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Moral Values

The motto of monotheists is to help others.
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1.The monotheist does not commit murder.
2.The monotheist does not steal.
3.The monotheist does not commit adultery.
4.The monotheist does not tell lies.
5.The monotheist does not oppress.
6.The monotheist does not slander.
7.The monotheist does not insult.
8.The monotheist does not lavish.
9.The monotheist does not spy.
10.The monotheist does not deceive.
11.The monotheist does not gamble.
12.The monotheist is not jealous.
13.The monotheist is not greedy.
14.The monotheist does not backbite.
15.The monotheist is not stingy.
16.The monotheist does not get angry.
17.The monotheist is not arrogant.
18.The monotheist does not ridicule others.
19.The monotheist is not fanatic.
20.The monotheist is not tyrannical.
21.The monotheist is not lazy.
22.The monotheist does not hate others.
23 .The monotheist is not suspicious of others.
24. The monotheist does not have bad friends.
25. Monotheist’s motto is to help others.

26 .The monotheist does not violate the rights of others.
27.The monotheist does not overcharge.
28.The monotheist does not hoard the goods .
29.The monotheist does not receive bribe.
30.The monotheist does not take usury.
31.The monotheist is not violent.
32.The monotheist is not a racist.
33.The monotheist is not voracious.
34.The monotheist is not talkative.
35.The monotheist is not coward.

36.The monotheist is not a hypocrite.
37.The monotheist does not judge others.
38.The monotheist abstain from whatever harms his health,; like the cigarette, liquor, narcotics, and so
39.The monotheist does not covet the chairmanship.
40.The monotheist does not justify wrongdoing.
41.The monotheist is critical of himself.
42.The monotheist is courageous.
43.The monotheist is loyal.
44.The monotheist has discipline.
45.The monotheist is neat.
46.The monotheist is just and fair.
47.The monotheist is content.
48.The monotheist is generous.

49.The monotheist forgives others.
50.The monotheist has a strong will.
51.The monotheist seeks to acquire knowledge.
52.The monotheist keeps secrets.
53.The monotheist is a trustee.
54.The monotheist is truthful.
55.The monotheist accepts criticism.
56.The monotheist apologizes for his mistakes.
57.The monotheist keeps his promises.
58.The monotheist pays respect to human and animal rights..
59.The monotheist devoted.
60.The monotheist respects his family.
61.The monotheist preserves the environment and nature.
62.The monotheist stands against the tyrant.
63.The monotheist is affectionate.
64.The monotheist pays portion of his income to the needy.
65.The monotheist communicates with God and prays every day..
66.The monotheist does not commit voyeurism.
67.The monotheist is patient.
68.The monotheist, with his good behavior, calls on others to monotheism.
69.The monotheist does not sacrifice moral values for profit.
70. The monotheist is not selfish.

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Our mottoThe motto of monotheists is to help others. is to help others

1.The monotheist does not commit murder.
2.The monotheist does not steal.
3.The monotheist does not commit adultery.
4.The monotheist does not tell lies.
5.The monotheist does not oppress.
6.The monotheist does not slander.
7.The monotheist does not insult.
8.The monotheist does not lavish.
9.The monotheist does not spy.
10.The monotheist does not deceive.
11.The monotheist does not gamble.
12.The monotheist is not jealous.
13.The monotheist is not greedy.
14.The monotheist does not backbite.
15.The monotheist is not stingy.
16.The monotheist does not get angry.
17.The monotheist is not arrogant.
18.The monotheist does not ridicule others.
19.The monotheist is not fanatic.
20.The monotheist is not tyrannical.
21.The monotheist is not lazy.
22.The monotheist does not hate others.
23 .The monotheist is not suspicious of others.
24. The monotheist does not have bad friends.
25. Monotheist’s motto is to help others.
26 .The monotheist does not violate the rights of others.
27.The monotheist does not overcharge.
28.The monotheist does not hoard the goods .
29.The monotheist does not receive bribe.
30.The monotheist does not take usury.
31.The monotheist is not violent.
32.The monotheist is not a racist.
33.The monotheist is not voracious.
34.The monotheist is not talkative.
35.The monotheist is not coward.
36.The monotheist is not a hypocrite.
37.The monotheist does not judge others.
38.The monotheist abstain from whatever harms his health,; like the cigarette, liquor, narcotics, and so
39.The monotheist does not covet the chairmanship.
40.The monotheist does not justify wrongdoing.
41.The monotheist is critical of himself.
42.The monotheist is courageous.
43.The monotheist is loyal.
44.The monotheist has discipline.
45.The monotheist is neat.
46.The monotheist is just and fair.
47.The monotheist is content.
48.The monotheist is generous.
49.The monotheist forgives others.
50.The monotheist has a strong will.
51.The monotheist seeks to acquire knowledge.
52.The monotheist keeps secrets.
53.The monotheist is a trustee.
54.The monotheist is truthful.
55.The monotheist accepts criticism.
56.The monotheist apologizes for his mistakes.
57.The monotheist keeps his promises.
58.The monotheist pays respect to human and animal rights..
59.The monotheist devoted.
60.The monotheist respects his family.
61.The monotheist preserves the environment and nature.
62.The monotheist stands against the tyrant.
63.The monotheist is affectionate.
64.The monotheist pays portion of his income to the needy.
65.The monotheist communicates with God and prays every day..
66.The monotheist does not commit voyeurism.
67.The monotheist is patient.
68.The monotheist, with his good behavior, calls on others to monotheism.
69.The monotheist does not sacrifice moral values for profit.
70. The monotheist is not selfish.

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